Noi cream amintiri, nu doar vacante
Quality Guarantee
Toate aspectele aranjamentelor dumneavoastra de calatorie, de la zboruri si cazare pana la activitati si transport, va vor indeplini sau depasi asteptarile.
Easy and accessible reservations
O vacanta ar trebui sa fie usoara si fara probleme. De aceea am facut procesul de rezervare simplu si accesibil.
The biggest variety of attractions
Intelegem ca fiecare calator este diferit, motiv pentru care oferim o gama variata de tururi si activitati pentru a se potrivi fiecarui interes si buget.
Recommended Activities
Tur cu Elicopterul - Atlantis the Palm
Rezerva turul acum
Discover the city with us
Noi, #SejurinDubai, singura agentie de turism romaneasca din Dubai, iti povestim Dubaiul asa cum numai cei care-l traiesc in fiecare zi o pot face!
Gata de experienta Safari?
Esti gata de aventura?
Who is SejurInDubai?
Tours and activities from locals
If you have decided to have an amazing holiday, which will forever be a memory that you want to repeat, then explore Dubai with us!
SejurInDubai is the only Romanian travel agency in Dubai. We are Romanians settled here, we live Dubai every day, we know its stories and know how to tell them to you in an engaging and unforgettable way!